Eric Winkler
i am an engineer by training with a passion for photography, and live in the Denver area. I love to travel and am fascinated by the historical and cultural aspects of the places I visit. Much of my free time is spent outdoors, where I capture a variety of things that happen to please my eye -- landscapes, architecture, nature, objects.
I‘m delighted when I find subjects that are exposed to interesting lighting and weather conditions, and enjoy the challenge of capturing things in motion -- freezing action where appropriate, and slowing things down at other times to create a sense of flow. I also like to explore the effect of man-made lighting in cityscapes, and of starlight when off the beaten track.
Landscape is my true joy, and I've always been inspired by masters of composition and lighting like Ansel Adams, Galen Rowell, Robert Muench and Philip Hyde. My goal is to little digital post-processing as possible, preferring instead to use classic filters and techniques as they did to balance the light and capture my view of the world around me “in camera”.
Each of my photos brings back a special memory to me, and I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them!
Please contact me if you have questions about any of my work or would like to be notified of new content, and visit me at the links below!
Thank you!